St Anthony's Parish
Parish Priest: Fr Andrew Matthew
24 Domain St,
Waiuku 2123
PH: 09 235 9633
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St Anthony's Parish Profile
A country parish situated at the Southern end of the Manukau Heads.
It covers an area from the Manukau Heads to the Waikato River and to the East boarders on the Pukekohe parish.
Originally populated by the Irish Catholic settlers it has today a more cosmopolitan population.
We have a modern presbytery and a Church with facilities built in 1993 with a dedicated group of parishioners who keep them and the ground well maintained and tidy.
Others take responsibility for the Liturgical and sacramental life of the parish including the sacramental program and the RCIA (Rite of Catholic Initiation of Adults).
Social life of the parish is enhanced with morning tea after Mass and an occasional parish dinner.
One of the longest running Catholic Women’s League in the diocese caters for the welfare of women, the elderly and the bereaved.
A friendly caring parish endeavouring to live by the Gospels and the commandment to love one another as God has loved us.
Holy Rosary Catholic Church Matakawau
The first General Meeting was called in January 1938, chaired by M.J. Hatton for the purpose of raising funds to build a Catholic Church in the area.
The first Committee elected comprised: Mr J Aspin Snr. Chairman, Frank Marshall Secretary, Messrs M. Hatton, H. Hyland and Mill Marshall, Mesdames Aspin and Edwards. Donations of vestments and linen from Mother Josephine were received with appreciation. The first dance in aid of funds yielded 8 pounds and sixpence and 1 shilling and sixpence door charges.
Hyland's Orchestra agreed to play on the second Saturday of each month for 1 pound donation. Amount in funds at February 1939 compiled from dances, raffles, car evenings and donations totalled 120 pounds and 13 shillings. During the Second World War the raising of funds was adjourned.
The General Meeting of the 6th of May 1945 elected a committee of 12 - Mr Aspin Chairmen, Kath Aspin Secretary. Dances and bazaars etc boosted funds to 817 pounds. Vote to decide site on 6th Oct 1946 resulted in the site donated by L.A. Kemp being approved: Kemp site 33, Turners 14, Hylands 4, Hunters nil.
On 6th July 1947 Mrs K. Aspin resigned as Secretary and Mrs Rose Kemp was duly elected.
The bazaar of 1947 proved a great success with 220 pounds being raised bring the bank account to 1150 pounds.
Annual meeting of 7th August 1949 resulted in a committee of 16 being elected. Bank balance 1466 pounds, the rise being attributed to a further bazaar and handsome donations.
A committee meeting was held on Sunday 24th September 1950 for the report of discussion with Bishop Liston re proposal and price of the erection of a Church by Mr McEntee and Son to be in the vicinity of 3000 pounds. It was carried that the price and plan be accepted with the provision that the cost did not exceed 3000 pounds. Concern was expressed re the debt that local Catholics would be committed to.
The Chairman Mr Aspin died on 28th May 1951. A General Meeting on 1st July 1951 elected M. J. Hatton as Chairman and resignation of the Secretary Mrs Rose Kemp through ill health was filled by Mrs C. Ireland. Approval was given for the commencement of the erection of the Church to the builders McEntee and Son when time was suitable for them to start. The Church was indebted to the many benefactors donating the Church's furnishings. 23rd May 1954 so the long awaited opening of the Church.